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About the Water Planning Committee

Created by the Boerne City Council, the Kendall County Water Planning Committee is tasked with developing a water plan designed to moderate water consumption, protect water resources, seek out and evaluate potential new water sources, maximize efficient use of existing water sources and identify tools for water conservation.


Key guidance will come from models that forecast populations growth over the next ten years and beyond, analysis of all potential potable water sources and best conservation practices. The end goal is to establish a water plan that can be institutionalized and promote responsible economic development while honoring our cultural history and sustaining the high quality of life that makes Kendall County home. 


The water committee is dedicated to public transparency, gathering relevant data and pursuing modern solutions that support secure access to clean water for all residents of Kendall County.


For more information, please see the City of Boerne Resolution to form the Kendall County Water Committee.




Water Committee Recommendations

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